Monday, April 30, 2012

One day.

This, my friends, will be where all my NaNoWriMo plans lie. If you have noticed that it's hardly May, and November is six months away, you are correct.
Way ahead of the game, I am.

Maybe I'll think of a lovely idea, and write sometime other than in the eleventh month.

Wanna dream big? Think about joining me on my quest to write 50,000 words in 30 days. You have time to ponder on it.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

You're a wizard, Harry.


Being the book lover I claim to be, I bowed my head in shamed when faced with the fact that I had never read the Harry Potter series.

So, of course, I decided I would do something about that. 
I'm currently on book three, wondering how long it'll take to get to book seven. Let's hope not too long!
I've been yearning to re-watch the movies, and I've agreed to myself I will have myself a little marathon after I've finished the book series. That will be the first time I've watched the last movie, after failing to finish it despite renting it twice.

I'm proud to almost be a legitimate Harry Potter fan.
(Yes, I do have a PotterMore account. ShadowUnicorn6900 is the name, and I'm none less than a Gryffindor.)

Keep track of the books I'm reading here.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yes, I'm a little sore.

Last night was Prom. In case you didn't know- I like to dance.
I didn't have a date, nor did a lot of other girls. Who says you need one? Not I. Going as a group was fun.
Though, my dad jokingly asked if I was going to the lesbian prom. Definitely not.
I chose to go solo- "'Cause I'm independent & don't need a man!"
Actually- that's not why..
I didn't want a silly fill in date to interfere with my after plans.

The day started a little slow, but around 1, the prom prep began.
We started with my make-up, and then I waited on my friend Ashley to get her hair done before mine. My step mom, who does hair for a living, done both of ours. My hair took forever it seemed, since I dislike getting it done. Hair in my face just makes me want to spaz out. It's highly annoying.
After a visit from my grandparents, I went & put on my dress, took a few pictures, and then headed back to Chapel Hill to meet with my friends. We had dinner at T.G.I. Fridays, my favorite, and off to prom we went! 
We were a little early due to eating dinner early, but there were a lot of people who did the same.

My two hours of dancing was followed by Basket Robins ice cream, Doctor Who, and a rather lovely boy.
It was enjoyable, to say the least.

the time I said "I love you" first.

  The awkward moment when you say "I love you" for the first time, and the other person isn't sure what you said.

     Those three little words probably have a much bigger meaning than necessary due to the way society treats it. There are so many things that could be thoughtfully said to be equivalent to what people see coming from that phrase. Society tends to have the final word on the way things go though, therefore making it important.
     It's really interesting hearing what people have to say when asked what love is. You can love in so many ways. You love your pet. You love your favorite ice cream. You love your parents & your best friends. Then there's the kind of love people associate the "I love you" phrase with most. That love tends to trump all of the others, containing more feelings. It's full of joy, trust, genuine care, certainty, hope, and optimism. It's the feeling no one else gives you at that time, and it certainly feels special.

     There are always those debates about what is acceptable for a woman to do first and what a man should do first. I appreciate the old fashion gender roles, and I'm usually pro it's the man's job to make the big moves. It seems there's an exception though. You see, when I really want something, I tend to just go for it.
     I wanted that kiss, so I took it. I wanted to hear that title, so I got it. I wanted to say what repeated itself many times over in my mind, so I said it.

     Don't get me wrong, I tried to keep it to myself. I had a fear of saying it "too soon", and then making things uncomfortable. I wasn't going to say it just to hear it back, and I didn't want him to feel obligated to say it when he didn't really mean it, so I thought it was best to leave the ball in his court.
     I'm not good at keeping my feelings to myself though, especially from someone I want to tell everything to. I hinted at it, making it completely obvious how I felt, but then it felt silly not to just say it. Then, on impulse, I decided I was just going to let it out. For minutes, I struggled with it on the tip of my tongue, and it just wouldn't come off. I chickened out. However, the very next chance I had, I took it. I actually said it.

     He had just said something sweet, that I don't remember of course, and I allowed "I love you" to just come out. I assume I was some what quite, and the words may or may not of been jumbled together. I completely understood if he didn't notice at all, and I kind of thought that's what happened. I didn't get any sort of reaction, except a minute later I got a "nice try", which I was highly confused by- still am.

     Anyways- I asked later that day if he had heard or ignored, and it turned out he wasn't sure if that had been what I said or not. It all worked out quite nicely.

Friday, April 20, 2012

You would agree.


These past few seasons, I haven't really watched American Idol.
Due to my mother & friends still watching, I got forced into watching one night.
That's when I had the pleasure of learning who Mr. Phillip Phillips was.
That boy has it going on. 
Just sayin'.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Imma Senior, baby!

Okay, not quite yet.
When it comes to soccer though, I might as well be!
     The past two days we had soccer try-outs. I'm not sure if I've mentioned, but we got a new coach. Our old coach, Coach Jones, everyone disliked. She had never even played soccer, and she liked to coach us (when she did) using basketball analogies. This year, she got the job with middle school basketball, and ditched us.
     Our new coach, Mrs. Dennis, we think will be liked the same. She hasn't played soccer either, and from what we hear she's always rude & certainly crazy. 
     Coach Jones was basically in charge of try-outs, because Mrs. Dennis definitely doesn't know what she's doing. There were a lot of younger girls who tried out, and we already have eleven seniors. Apparently since there are so many of us older girls, she's banking on us winning a championship... Our team has never won a championship. 
     She didn't tell us who made the team yet, but I've made a few notices of who should & shouldn't be on the list whenever it comes. Hopefully her vision is close to mine, because a summer & a soccer season is a long time to be spending with that many girls. They need to be bringing something to the table besides their obnoxious attitudes, at least be half way decent at passing the ball!
I love the soreness I get from finally playing soccer again.
It makes getting comfy & sleepy so easy.
Tonight will be the second night in a row I fall asleep before 11 PM.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Science classes will be the death of me.

I am currently in Chemistry- texting, tweeting , blogging- all of the above.
 My attention span for my teacher with her pointless stories, and unfunny jokes is hardly existent.
I was really looking forward to my last high shook soccer try-outs ever beginning today, but thanks to rain it got canceled.
On the plus side, I have something else to look forward to tonight. :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Break 2012; Day UNO!

Our view from our balcony
After only four hours of sleep, and a long car ride from Chapel Hill to Destin, we finally made it.

It was a little after five, so it was definitely dinner time! The restaurant tried to talk us into a very expensive lobster meal, but I opted for a not so good pulled pork sandwich. Luckily, I sampled other food from our table, and the shrimp Alfredo along with the lobster was actually quite tasty. 
We decided it was too late to head to the beach, so we did a little exploring instead. We glance through most of the shops along the harbor walks, the ones I'm sure we'll be in many more times before we leave, and we spotted out potential buys.
Of course, I already made  purchase. 
As I was walking past the shop, I caught a glance of some interesting looking bags covering part of a wall.

They were Kavu bags.
It was fate.

You see, months ago, I was was quite fond of the Kavu Rope Bag. However, I like to over think things, and in the end I decided not to buy it. Then, a few weeks ago, I decided I definitely wanted one. Especially before we went on our Destin trip! My indecisiveness kicked in though, and due to stress of choosing, I never picked one. I needed to see them in person!
Well, I did. I'll be honest- I freaked out a little out of excitement. Needless to day, as soon as I made my final decision, I made sure to buy it before the store closed.
I'm sure you'll be seeing it in pictures!

After  my Kavu experience, I enjoyed excellent cake batter ice cream in a waffle cone, and went to the pool.
The pool wasn't the warmest, so we spent most of our time in the hot tub.
Pretty nice ending to our first day, eh?

Oh, and a boy tried to get my phone number.
*Points* "I want you."
Sorry, bud. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break; 2012


Beginning tomorrow morning, until Sunday, I will be Spring Breakin' it Down in Destin with my two best friends Ashley & Stacey.
My mom and her boyfriend will be there too, of course, but we won't be seeing them much.

Despite it only being for four days, packing seemed to take forever. I can assure you I'll be looking cute & will indeed have options of what to wear while I'm there!
I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures, along with the picture I would already be taking to contribute to my 365 Days of Photos. This is my second attempt at the 365 day project. The first, I failed miserably in the second or third week. I want to keep up with it this time- Make sure I don't slack!

In other news, I'm hoping to get a few of things marked off my list of 101 things to do in 1,000 days while I'm there. I started that list a little over a month ago, and I think I'm getting good progress on it! Better than my friends anyways. :)

Oh, I only have five more weeks of school left this year.
Then, I'll be a senior.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Beginning #34-


Okay, this isn't really number 34, but it's certainly not the first.
However, this is me vowing it will be the last.
Do you believe me? Probably not.

I've been blogging since I was fourteen, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Hopefully this blog, 
The Spoken Heart, will forever be my humble abode on Blogger. Come back in five years and see.

I spent a good amount of time revamping the layout, but most of that time was spent deciding if I liked the new change or not- and then deciding that I didn't.
I've came to be content with it though.

The music page isn't complete yet, and there may be other fun and exciting things popping up soon, but I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so they will all have to wait!
(That's probably a really nice run-on sentence. Oh well.)

Oh, in case you didn't know, I'm Jamie. Hi.
You can find out more about me Here.